Tuesday, 10 May 2011

rAnd0M pOst!Ng O_0... cos you just need those sometimes...

when I see camera's I freak out a little cos I rate they going to go all terminator on my butt!...you never know what could happen!!! best we all start hiding in our hidden rooms under a round old carpet in the middle of an inconspicuous room...while Nazi's lurk in the dark waiting to pounce, cos you know they think anything with a stick up its butt is awesome... kinda like this web cam that's faced at me now..:O!!!

OOOOKAY... so we all need a little random in our lives... to ease away the brun of too much thought...no?... it's kinda like a long day of storms followed by a nice sunny day... relaxation...
how many of you just say random stuff some times just to fill silences?... or just say something totally wookaldiblue because you're rambling on your thoughts and what comes out comes out whether it's about pink flying zebra's or elephants occupying the room... what I have learned is that random... isn't ever truly random... it might be out of the blue for some cases... but never fully random, because it's linked to a thought you had, a situation, a memory... the random spewing of words that make no sense to the outside world... is not random to you, because it makes perfect sense in your mind... and if the aim was to random... is it really random, if you intended it to be?... Hmmm these are the questions that keep me up at night..<---- not really, I just felt like saying that...

so, onto other stuff stuffs stuff....ya...[O0.]

one thing that always confundled me was what my parents said....
I mean seriously??? do you think they even think about the things they say??? like one thing was 
 "well If he jumped off a cliff would you follow?" I mean jeez... obviously the answer would be no,,, unless you were suicidal... the reason we did whatever we got in trouble for was cos 1stly... our friend did it... and 2ndly... it seamed like a good idea... therefore the appropriate line should be... "the things your friends do aren't always the right thing... it might seam like a good idea untill you find yourself waiting in your room with every panty you own own for your mom to walk in with the belt that'll end with you not being able to sit for a week..."... see if they said that I would have been a much much much nicer child which never got in trouble... that line works the magic... not the cliff thing...
jeez, I wonder what everyone elses parents said... sigh... the joys of our parents... gotta love em....

from Parents to Fabcebook...

there were some groups that made me so... hmmm nauseous...:)
they were soooooo emo...
here are a few...
"I've come to a point were I'm like WOW, F#^* 90% of humanity"  the photo was a button that said "I hate people" [O0.]

"I die a little inside when you're online and don't talk to me"...then talk first... don't get emo...they could be waiting for you to talk first... 

"oh I'm sorry I'm such a burden on your life"...L-A-M-E

"Every girl wants to hear a boy say I love youuuuuuuuuuu <3 :)".... what about lesbians... tsk tsk tsk...

a funny thing I ran into was..."I laugh, I become a fan, I never look at the page again"... so just for kicks.. I decided to check out the page...
and one would assume the page would be empty... but nope.... it is full of people promoting random stuff, chicks saying they want people to invite them to show em a good time... and yada yada yada... I couldn't help but sit back and enjoy the irony.... and notify people of the irony as well... sigh... I will never look at that page again... but, I will never forget it <--- it's typed up on my blog...

finally... an Irish Airman foresee's his death is a poem about an Irishman who decides join the war so that he can fulfil his dream of flying... and as a result will die, but he doesn't mind <--- best summary I could manage...
I'll give you the peom underneath for you to compare....to this youtube clip..  if only I'd seen this clip when I was still in school and studying this poem...

just remember... you might think motivational... but think again... it's suicide...
ok, and here's the poem just if you wanna read it... :]
An Irish Airman Foresees His DeathI know that I shall meet my fate
Somewhere among the clouds above;
Those that I fight I do not hate,
Those that I guard I do not love;
My country is Kiltartan Cross,
My countrymen Kiltartan's poor,
No likely end could bring them loss
Or leave them happier than before.
Nor law, nor duty bade me fight,
Nor public men, nor cheering crowds,
A lonely impulse of delight
Drove to this tumult in the clouds;
I balanced all, brought all to mind,
The years to come seemed waste of breath,
A waste of breath the years behind
In balance with this life, this death.

so, that's it for now, this is ButtonGirl popping in......and falling of this coat...peace

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