Untitled.. I haven't been here for a while... hi... and all I can think of, is, Untitled... cos I am not sure what to title it. I'm not sure how to title a lot of things... a Title is important, so I hear, as it lets you know what you are about to read and it gives you an impression... either a good one, or a bad one... an interesting one, or a boring one...
and so, it is because of a title that we choose to read a book, that we choose to talk to people, that we watch a movie... a Title... but not just the obvious ones but the more subtle things...
relationships, emotions, choices... we want to title everything...
when two people like each other, they are expected to "Date" ..and then he/she becomes your "girlfriend/boyfriend"... and if two people do everything that a couple does yet they aren't dating or a "boyfriend/girlfriend" people get confused... the people in the relationship get confused... how would you break up...
if a front page did not have a title for it's main article.... no one would pick up the newspaper... because they wouldn't know what it's about... and so they would assume it's boring... they wouldn't want to go ahead to see what it's about... although people are curious... they are equally lazy...
happiness, sadness, heartbreak, abandonment, uncertainty, confidence, fear... we have titled everything... imagine feeling heartbreak and having never experienced it before... and never having heard the word... you would go insane.. I would go insane.... we like titles, we like to know what things are... because when we know what something is called, it's easier to comprehend it.. to understand it... and therefore embrace it...or conquer and get over it... we can learn how to keep it.. how to end it...
if we don't title it... we're lost... we're uncertain... we are leading forward...blind... and discovering as we go along...
Life is already like this... we stumble through... why would we want the details in our life to be a "blind" experience too...
some might think that it would make things adventurous... and maybe they are right... but maybe they're not...
and maybe there is no title, and maybe there is... one that we haven't found...
we want to know what things are in one word... that is our problem... we want to have everything explained in one word...
"what is your dad"..."he's a medical Doctor"
"oh, she's my best friend"
"they're dating"
"she has cancer"
"I'm pregnant"
no one really knows what my dad's company does... because it's so diverse... because it hasn't really been done before in IT... the way he does it... I don't even know and I work for him... it doesn't have a term yet like doctor, lawyer, mechanic... and so when people ask me what he is and I start to explain... they want to cut me short and say "what is he"... they want the short version,,, the one word answer...
they want to categorize... know via category...
they don't want to wait for the whole story to understand... they want to understand now... they don't want to feel ignorant and blind till the end when they find out what it really means...
can you imagine that???... "oh, she has er... something, lets wait and see what happens shall we?" ... and 6 months later... she dies...Hmmm wonder what happened...
Wondering what happened... understanding the outcome from the input... if you don't know what it is... you cannot understand the outcome brought on by it... the end result...
if someone has cancer... you know what the end result could be, and you can prepare for it.. you will understand it...
if someone is pregnant... you'll understand what's happening when she starts crying in pain, why her stomach grows... you can prepare for the child...
if someone's in a relationship..they'll understand what it is, and they'll understand when and how it ends... they won't wonder to themselves what happened <--- if there is a breakup and explanation... still it would be better than a drifting apart?... how would it end?... if it never begun with clear understanding of when it begun.. of what begun... how can it end... it wasn't anything... how can a nothing have an ending?...
what are the rules to a nothing?
what are the treatments for a nothing?
how do you prepare for a nothing?..
how do you prepare for something you don't understand... how do you prepare when you are ignorant?
how do you relate to nothing?
we need Titles, to relate, to understand, to treat, to organize, to prepare, for rules... for boundaries....
we need them... so that we are not ignorant, not completely blind, life is like that painting pushed too close to your face for you to know what it is... we get our clues from the details we can she... so that we can at least have some kind of idea... if we take away our titles... you take away our details... our description.. leaving us blind completely... we wouldn't know how else to see the picture... we might just lose the plot altogether...
so thank your God for the little Graces... like a Title, even if it is "Untitled"... because it's still at least in a category... it's just in the lost and found box waiting for you to pick it up... and untitled might suck... but, at least you'll figure it out eventually... and at least... it doesn't happen all the time... :]... but I s'pose, it might be a bit healthy to figure things out on your own every now and then... but not too often...:]
so this is ButtonGirl...popping in...and falling off this coat...peace...:)