Friday, 22 April 2011

AAAAAAAAH!!!!!!! GOOD MORNING!!!! yes, I say good morning because it is in fact morning on this side of the square button hole... :D
I have gotten a long line of things to do before I fly around the world saving Damsels and knights from arranged marriages :)....
  I was thinking about the things that get US chops down... what brings the tear to our big puppy dog eyes... and then I thought of the why - on account that I was feeling emo <crickets chirping in the background> ooookay, just a bit of an exaggeration,,, I felt a bit bleak...  and thought why... but then I realised it was my fault... because even if it was something reeeeeaaaaaaaaallly HEC-TIC like my younger button hole twin by three minuites started chocking on his tongue and needed his mouth amputated in order to survive.... a likely happening... but even IF that was the case, it was my choice to feel upset... I mean, if there is nothing that can change a out come, then why should we spend energy trying to... and getting very upset about it when there is nothing we can do to change it... but that is sooooo much easier to say than to put into practice... so I sat there on the bathroom floor looking at the blade - JOKES!, na, I stood in my bedroom considering what I can do to tame the mess that is my hair.... nothing but this came to mind, I can feel upset, it IS my right... but no one reeeeeaaaaaly enjoys feeling miserable... and so I decided, I might not be able to change the things that happen, and I might be able to create HUGE mess where ever I go... and yes, it might suck extremely... but I can choose to just move on and wait for the next time I screw up... :) cos I know, the path down screwing up is ALWAYS fun and is always a huge experience... and so even though I might get to the bottom at the end I can sit back and say...WELL THE ROAD DOWN HERE WAS FREAKING AWESOME!!!! now it sucks but,,,, there is a climb up... and boy is there a cute guy on THAT trip :D...

so just another random pop inn...

THAT guy is my hero!!!!!! hahahahahahaha....:) that face :).... that hair...ooooooooh!.... makes me wanna be a better curly top :D....

so thats it for now... this is ButtonGirl popping in... and falling off this coat...peace :D

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