Thursday, 25 August 2011

Lets Understand this. . . just Give us a sec will ya?

Oh goodness I should Update a post!!!! HIY!!!!
so?. . . how you been crackalacking homies??? <--- OK I promise not to promise to never do that again. . .  but I just got into a weird mood... my badness! <--- that was said in some movie with a poem about light...{{nods head}}

so "vaat iz ziz zing doing herrre???" Glad you asked - I'm visiting. . . :D :D :D

OK! lets start making points. I got sooo irritated the other day...#truestory I was seriously shoved in a corner <metaphorically of course, I wouldn't go literally into a corner, I'd fight that> any way I was shoved to the side, disregarded treated like an adolescent normally is by people almost triple our age. . . why??? because they refuse to believe we have words of worth... I gave myself time to calm down so, no worries this post is not me complaining. . .

firstly we all have flaws that we are unable to realise, so no judgement is passed here. but sometimes, we need to have someone point out these flaws to us, because we can hurt people. . .so...

age, People who are old enough to be our parents - along with our parents - act like they have all the answers when they're not fooling themselves and they're not fooling us. this BTW is quite an unhealthy thing, we need to be taught that our parents don't always have the answers - only Google does -  but acting like you have all the answers, isn't a good thing either. NO ONE, I shall repeat NO ONE knows everything, again, that is Google's job!
sometimes we slip up and think we might have the best answer, but that can sometimes just be pride talking.
Parents don't want you to doubt them and think they don't know best because they think you'll end up being disrespectful. They actually think they won't have control and you'll end up going off the rails. you are their responsibility till the day you die in their eyes, if you come home pregnant, they'll freak but it'll be because they'll be mad with themselves, "where did we go wrong?" . . .  Other parents are proud, they don't think they can go wrong, so they ignore everything that does go wrong... some are too submissive to you because they're afraid they'll lose you.
point? Parents are humans. They're people. same with teachers, professors, boss's etc. sometimes, they need you to sit them down and tell them where they are going wrong. . . in a way that is totally respectful and loving - they're still your parents, they deserve respect for going through life with you -  sometimes, you need to tell them how you feel, how the things they say and do affect you and how you would prefer them to act and talk, try to make them understand that all you want is for them to understand and trust you. maybe just act like they love you. whatever it is. in my experience, talking helps - NOT shouting, no mesg gets through when it's just angry people shouting at each other. be open to criticism, because you're human too, you do things that hurt others, even if you don't see it. have a two way conversation and NEVER give or take a lecture, lectures never work, if your parents sit you down for a lecture, participate, if they ask you to speak or explain yourself - do. even if you think they won't understand, especially then, and tell them that you don't think they'll understand. . . they might surprise you.

we all have something to teach, we all have something to learn. no matter our age or experience we have something to give... you can learn so much from your parents, just as they can learn so much from you. . . just as much as you can learn from a stranger, just as much as a stranger can learn from you.
always keep an open mind, if you disagree, that doesn't mean you have to dislike a person, always show compassion; people have their reasons for doing the things they do, the best you can do is try to understand them and show compassion. even if you don't always like the things they do, actions are not as person, a person isn't the choices they make, or the mistakes they've made. Don't treat people like they are the actions they take or mistakes. they're all worth the stars and more and we've all got mistakes to make and lessons to learn, that doesn't mean we're any less than what we are - perfect. it's not about the fact that someone fell, it's the recovery they make when they get up, and when we trip there will always be the group feeling pity, the ones that laugh, the ones that try and help, the people that tripped you to start with, and none of that matters, what matters is getting back to feeling AWESOME. back to feeling Joy. . .  why wallow in simple matters when God made Flowers? <--- why find the sad things in life, why concentrate on the things that irritate you the people that treat you like you not old enough to understand, the child that thinks your too old to understand, why focus on that? when there are things that are good in the world too? when there are people who do understand you? focus on the good starting with the simplest thing - like flowers - and work your way up... you'll find a reason to smile.

so remember, speak, don't shout, and wait to calm down before speaking. love. Try to understand. Try to make people understand you. Never Give Up. Hug a bit more, Laugh a bit more. remember, you're not the only one who has a bad day, someone acting like a Jack@$$ 10 to 1 is probably having a terrible day too. don't add to his grief, just try to understand...:) smile at them maybe, even if they don't smile back. . .

so, may God bless you, even if you don't believe in him. . .  and a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! <--- don't ask, weird mood remember? :D :D :D  fun times ;) keep the currant rolling!


so it's been fun :D I gotta roll for now :D

so this is ButtonGirl Popping in............................... and falling off this coat..........peace

Thursday, 11 August 2011

to get you need to give. To give, you first need to get.

why the random video???.... cos I happen to think he's amazing... and it's called superman... and that just happens to be my FAVOURITE super Hero... well it's a tie between Wolverine and Superman... they're both super cool... and both guys as I've just realised... but I wouldn't read too much into that... I think it's just a coincidence... ANYWAY!

HAPPY AUGUST! ... lets formulate a list of all the happenings in August....

1597 AD =  Germany throws out English sales people <--- hahaha
1860 AD =  Nation's 1st successful silver mill (Virginia City, Nev)
1866 AD = World's 1st roller rink opens (Newport RI)
1909 AD = SOS - 1st used by an American ship, Arapahoe, off Cape Hatteras, NC
1929 AD =  Babe Ruth becomes 1st to hit 500 homers (off Willis Hudlin of Cleve)
1984 AD = During a radio voice test Pres Reagan joked he "signed legislation that would outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in 5 minutes" haahaha, I don't hate Russia, I just think it's funny... :)
1989 AD =  "Nightmare on Elm Street 5: Dream Child" premier!!! :D with Jonny Depp!!!! :D: :D :D
2011 AD = {{insert your name}} does . . . . . .  

what are you going to do this August that would be considered important... not necessarily important to the world, but to you?... something that would go down in your personal history book as an important thing, an important date, an important happening... good, bad or funny... be bold, be impulsive, make a memory... there is no reason you shouldn't have a memory made at least once a month... :) change a life, if you can't change anyone else's, change your own.. make it better then it is, if it's already amazing... make it better. Never just settle because you feel you'll never get anything better, never think that you're not worth it.... Because you exceed worth, no matter what you've done or where you've been, you are here for a reason, you breath because you have purpose... you could live in the darkest times of your life, done the darkest deeds, said the Harshest words, hurt the purest people... and you would still exceed worth, you'd still be seen as perfect to God, you'd still deserve nothing less than the best for you. it's not about what you've done, it's about what you will do after that, and after that and after that... it's about always trying... persisting, moving forward, learning, and doing better the next time, or at least trying to do better. cos it's not about if you could do better or if you did a lot of good it's the trying that counts... there is nothing worse then giving up. 

strive for happiness for yourself and not just happiness of others. you can't make others smile if you don't know how... so look after yourself, love yourself, be a little selfish when it comes to your happiness... but don't disregard others happiness, understand that being happy is the first step to being able to help others feel joy... to get you need to give. To give, you first need to get. 

anyway it's been fun but I gotta make like a frog and leap... d[O0.]b <--- what I just say???

so, this is ButtonGirl popping in.......................... and falling off this coat.... peace.

Sunday, 31 July 2011


Don't ask,,, the pic doesn't relate... I just thought it was cute... so, Brace yourselves... WARNING! INCOMING POINTLESS POST!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

so................................. was cleaning my room... and tidying it... and decided to sort out my neat piles of terribly organised (I just put stuff on stuff) mess... and found letters, yes as in the ones little girls write to each other when they're in high school ... yeah so... they're from when I was in high school (last year)... and they were all addressed to me (yay I was loved once upon a time!) ... I mean how strange that were not addressed to someone else!... I'd totally expect letters that were not mine to be in my room... ANYWAY!.. so there they were, so I read them, I wasn't being rude, they were mine anyway...

they weren't interesting,,, they were rather Lame... some funny... all about Boys... is that seriously what occupied the minds of the youth I dealt with in high school?.. the answer is yes, and it was all the same thing "I wonder does he notice me" "I get butterflies sometimes when I see him" "I like him so much it scares me" "it's frustrating that he doesn't notice me!"... blah blah blah!... this is good though, it's growth... it's the stage at which they needed/need to be... and in truth... watching older versions of these young ladies, nothing much has changed  and I don't suppose anything will... and it's not a bad thing... they're searching for "the one".. so eager... and the gushing and concerns they have will never go away till they find "the one"... well at least we hope the gushing won't go away, and the concerns - unfortunately- will be replaced with new ones rather than completely vanishing... the only thing that changes is... a certain maturity when dealing with these developing crushes over the years... you learn to be more brave, more patient... more understanding...

The most fascinating part of all of it... is the growth though, the journey... seeing the difference in these ladies over the years,,, it wasn't like they changed... it was like... more detail was added to them...
it made me understand why journals/ diaries,,, song books... all of why they were used and kept... sure it helps people rant out stuff - I prefer shouting - but... it's the looking back... that's the important part - why?!?!?!... because it helps you see that you had times where you thought you couldn't live you felt so much pain, and reading it, you can see the fears you had.. but being older you can see how small they were... and this is good, because it helps us see that the problems we face now... we'll be able to look back on... and be ok with... we'll be able to realise, we'll still be around in ten years, and we'll be ok in ten years...

so ya.... food for thought... I wish I grabbed all my letters back after writing them so I could have read them now... would've made me laugh I bet...  :)

Anyway, this has no doubt been a pretty pointless post... filled with nothingness... but, I still enjoyed typing it... :)

so... this is ButtonGirl Popping in.......................... and falling off this coat..... peace...

Thursday, 28 July 2011

Lets play a little question Game on our show

Our question for tonight - although it's morning - is....drum roll.... 

"If you were stuck on an island for three months.....and were only allowed one person with you.... and you would not die and neither would your guest... and you had an abundance of food - that tasted good .... and they'd be ok with coming no matter what... and the whether wasn't life threatening or too uncomfortable... WHO WOULD YOU TAKE???"

moment of consideration.... such a tough question!!!!!!!!... sweat drips down the forehead...
ok... we could choose... a lot of people, but who would you choose?.... who would I choose?... lets make a list of more questions and see who fits the bill...

1) ok, someone who doesn't irritate you
2) someone you find interesting...
3) someone you want to spend more time with
4) someone you can fight and smile with... cos it's not 100% happiness on this island...
5) someone whose going to help out no questions asked if you needed to build a fire and collect/hunt food <-- I might become a vegetarian at this point... or let someone else do the killing of innocent fragile creatures...
6) someone who won't trip you if a bear is chasing you guys...
7) someone who doesn't find you completely annoying... 
8) someone you would miss if for three months you'd vanish...
9) someone who would miss you if for three months you vanish...
10) and this is THE most important... someone you're incapable of living without... 

Hmmmmm?... got anyone in particular in mind????... yes?... then lucky you, you've won a trip for two to an abandoned island where you have to fend for yourself!!!!.... :D :D :D... ok, not really... but if you actually have someone fitting the bill... go and cry in a corner... because you're screwed if that person dies!... :P 

ok, serious jokes asside that I kinda meant, but laughed it off like a joke - awkward silence..... this Girls CRAZY!...  where DID you find her?!?!?!?... 

sigh...  ok, if your person DID NOT get 10 out of ten... or at least did not get number ten... then they are not viable to go with you to an island for three months unsupervised... 

so... what was the point of this RANDOM question Game show you ask?.... what DO these questions mean?... What AM I thinking?... 

Hmmm... good questions indeed... should I type them into for you?....

but what DO these questions mean?... what does it mean if you find yourself in a situation where you found someone who scored an amazing score?... what does it mean if they passed number ten?... what does it mean if you can't live without them?... can't breath without them... eat... sleep... what does that mean?... what does it mean if you can live without them?... if they can live without you?... 

a young foolish girl - which might have been me - once said, that no one ever really needs anyone... they just want them really really badly
she accepted that... you need a large amount of people around... for sanity sake so that you don't feel alone, like you're the only one... all that other hash... {{see I am legend for reference ;) }}but she felt like no one needs another singular person, people were replaceable, and interchangeable...

what is a need?... a need is something you have to have in order to survive... food, water, shelter... <--- basic needs... 
and I didn't see people fitting into that unless you ATE them for survival!!!!!  hmmmm YuMmMMMmmmY! - I'd never do that {{awkward laugh as she considers it -KIDDING}} - hence people were not needed... but. <-- yes she does redeem herself.... but, the way I see it, if you're fighting with someone and cannot eat due to the lack in speech between the two characters... no eating leads to anorexia, anorexia leads to DY!nG!!!!... people need food... and to consume food you might need set person,,,, conclution...

man needs food... food needs person.... cut out the middle man... man needs set person.... and here she thought she didn't need anyone... silly little foolish girl, who were you kidding, the minute you thought that God decided to line someone up to spite you!... Not that she minds - she likes getting her facts straight... 

sO.... H0w dO yOU fe3L???????  - great thanks :D

so, as much as she hates to get gushy.... cos she doesn't know how.... and as much as she hates to admit when she's wrong... wait... I'm not going to get into that... it's not how I roll
so, she'll end by saying... 

sometimes, we do need someone, whether it's a kid, a friend, husband, lover... sometimes, we need someone. and that there, is all folks... don't need to say more....

this is ButtonGirl.....popping in................... and falling off this coat..... peace.

Thursday, 16 June 2011

Reputation...REPutaion R3pUt@Ti0N!!!!

what's the fuss about?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Reputation, reputation reputation....

My mother always said that the most important thing for you to maintain is a good reputation. She was very proud of her reputation that she maintained -->"untouchable" as "someone who will beat you and stop before a murder charge if you even tried to touch her inappropriately..."  she was proud that men feared her and women hated her out of jealousy... she was perfectly happy with her reputation.
so, this got me thinking as a child - as it was impossible not to since it was brought up regularly - about my reputation, when I was in grade seven I was exactly like my mother. and when grade eight came around I decided I didn't want people to fear me - it's not exactly the best way to make friends you know - but what this saying also did was it made me consider how I want to be remembered.

a good thing yes?...NO!... a very very very bad thing.

lets evaluate what happened as I moved into high school.... I started to think about how I wanted to be remembered... I started to think about how I wanted people to think of me. I started caring more about what people thought about me. as a person. not what I wore or what I looked like. I considered my personality.
that is a dangerous ball to play with. REPUTATION.....

lets look at the definitions shall we?

wiki says - Reputation is the opinion (more technically, a social evaluation) of the group of entities toward a person, a group of people, or an organization on a certain criterion. It is an important factor in many fields, such as educationbusinessonline communities or social status.

Reputation can be considered as a component of the identity as defined by others.

the estimation in which a person or thing is held, especiallyby the community or the public generally; reputea man ofgood reputation.
favorable repute good nameto ruin one's reputation bymisconduct.
a favorable and publicly recognized name or standing formerit, achievement, reliability, etc.: to build up a reputation.

OK so we need to understand that a good reputation is needed in some area's like business and education. having a good reputation amongst your fellow pears is not something that is desperately needed. As a 14 year old one does not need to worry about what people will think if she behaves in a certain manner.

REPUTATION. It seems to me that maintaining a certain reputation is a lot responsibility. A lot of pressure.

REPUTATION. I truly hate this concept.  how OTHERS view you. shouldn't we be more concerned about how WE view ourselves. "a good reputation is more valuable than money"... is not something you teach your kids, because you and your kids are being taught to categorise people, label them, label themselves, yourselves. you're teaching and learning judgement. worrying about a reputation is the doorway to insecurities and self loathing as well as judgement. it's not a happy's a sad sad sad door! stay away little friends stay away!...

We shouldn't be growing up worrying about a reputation, children act out. Teens act out - heck Adults act out! we shouldn't worry that the moment we loose our temper or the moment we have too much to drink, the moment we find ourselves pregnant - that our reputation will be ruined.

REPUTATION is not what needs concentration. Concentrating on who we want to be - also a bad idea.
we should not concentrate on how others view us, and we should not concentrate on who we want to become.... because lets face it... at the start of teenage hood and into adulthood most of the time, none of us actually want to be who we are, we want to be someone else who we find much cooler than who we are. {{don't even try and deny it, the best of us feels that way at the worst of times....}}

CONCENTRATION. what we need to focus on is being ourselves. it sounds so cliché but it's true,,,, and we need to focus even more on being ok with screwing up and being able to look in the mirror after a humiliating experience, after a painful fight, after loosing our temper, after making the biggest mistake of our life and saying "yes, I screwed up, yes I'm not perfect, yes many people are going to talk about it for weeks and are going to insult me... but I'm still freaking awesome and I still love who I am right now"
It's not about a reputation. who cares what the population thinks of you?... who cares if the population thinks your a terrible person due to a mistake you made in high school . That's not important, what's important is realising that your God is the only one you need to impress and knowing that you don't have to impress him. what's important is learning to love the person you are now, the one making mistakes, not the person you'll become from those mistakes, the one right now who embarrasses you sometimes, who sometimes doesn't have proud moments, who has a lot of blonde moments and who screws up ROYALLY. that person. LOVE that person.

so I'd say shove you're theory on a good reputation being more valuable than money Mr. fortune in the cookie. The one thing that's more Valuable then all the riches and that good reputation crap... Is learning to love the person you're ashamed of sometimes that's in your mirror, is learning what really matters... you.
you matter, no matter what your reputation is. You matter, you are amazing and You should love it.

haha ... yeah...:}

so... this is ButtonGirl popping in....and falling off this coat......peace

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

The idea is not to learn to think, it's to learn to organize what you think... 
so, I'll make sure it's neat and tidy...:) 

so... it's been a while... I don't have an excuse like university, Work, school, chores.... I've been going out, chilling on Facebook and neglecting my responsibilities... I've had things that should have kept me busy, but I was neglecting them. Procrastination... 
I let my tangled curly wild hair hang loose... and now, I have a pile of work I need to get done with no visible beginning... 
[huge sigh and looks to the left at the large pile of manuals and pens] aaaaaaaah!... it's coming for me!!!!!! [slaps face to bring herself back to reality...]

Procrastination - is like getting really drunk, feels awesome when its happening... but in the morning.when it catches up (dot dot dot) <--- insert words of your choice...

still knowing this about procrastination... I sit here, avoiding working... avoiding studying... avoiding making appointments... in an unreality of my making... 
and when I think about the amount of work I need to get done and the deadlines I've missed that are making people slightly irritated... I get... depressed about it [hoookay, exaggeration much??? ] and choose not to think about it instead of just doing the work and being happy as a whole and not just when I'm not thinking about it.... because it's more fun to not do it... it's more fun to laugh and joke and mess around... it's more fun to shake off responsibilities to not care about anything but doing the fun stuff... or is it?...

after a length of time of ignoring your responsibilities guilt catches up... stress becomes evident... worry... [pimples for some of us]... the small builds up to the the large and at the end we are left with things we can't handle on our own... ok, that hardly happens... but it does for a lot of people..especially people like me...  we cram the night before an exam and pray we pass, we scratch a project together and rely on "copy and paste" and "synonyms" to make it seam like we did something, when we're fooling no one but still passing and feeling a great relief when we see 40.03% ... not a good mark... but good enough for now... we'll try harder later... trust me, later hardly ever comes around... 

for those of you who hardly procrastinate and have schedules, and to-do-lists... and actually organise yourselves... I really do admire you, my best friend is like that, sure she procrastinates sometimes, but, her procrastination is healthy... is almost planned... d[O0.]b ... yes I did just accuse her of planning her procrastination!!!!! mwahahahaha!!!!.... what you going to do about it?????... that's what I thought!...[ok, cooling of my buttons now...]

so, procrastination, isn't the best of things... it's good to do sometimes, it's good to let your hair loose, but excessive procrastination that lands you up in a huge hole...not so good... if a few hours have past and your still putting whatever it is off.... know that you need to start getting your buttons on it... because my friend has something going there... if you know you're not going to feel like doing it, give yourself a few hours to sulk and procrastinate... then after that... start moving... why?... because stress doesn't look good on anyone and you wouldn't shoot yourself in the foot why do it metaphorically???....

so, before I spiral into a procrastinating disaster.... I'm going to turn left [not scream and hide] and pick up a manual... and a pen... it's like working out, if we take a walk every day to keep fit we won't feel like we're dying when all of a sudden we choose to go for a run to get fit. moderation... doing the work as it comes so we don't have a scary pile in the end... 

plan procrastination... 
Organize the work load so that it never overwhelms you.... plan and Organize the fun so that you never feel like your drowning in work and responsibilities. Balance. plan work so it's never too much, plan fun so you have something to look forward to when your doing the hard work...:)... 

so, I'm going to start with my pile that I've left till the last minute... okay, I'm hungry so I'll get a bite to eat first... but the first thing I do after eating will be that pile... Brownie Promise...:D

so this is ButtonGirl popping in...and falling off this coat...peace

Friday, 3 June 2011


there was indeed a man named Frank who lived a merry life, he ate a tart and drank some milk and now is out of sight...
Don't ask, just accept it... why?... because I truly do not have an answer for you as to why I typed that up, except for..."because"...

so, because...

I love this song...

so, I thought I'd share it... sometimes, all we need is a song... no words, no essays, no hugs, laughs, pictures... just a song... because music... is different... and different is always/sometimes... good...

so, this has been the shortest post...

my Farther says and I agreed that sometimes, silence is a good thing... we should not fear it... and when we speak... we shouldn't try and stress a point too much... sometimes all you need is three words....

so this is ButtonGirl Popping in....... and Falling off this coat...peace

Wednesday, 18 May 2011


Untitled.. I haven't been here for a while... hi... and all I can think of, is, Untitled... cos I am not sure what to title it. I'm not sure how to title a lot of things... a Title is important, so I hear, as it lets you know what you are about to read and it gives you an impression... either a good one, or a bad one... an interesting one, or a boring one...
and so, it is because of a title that we choose to read a book, that we choose to talk to people, that we watch a movie... a Title...   but not just the obvious ones but the more subtle things...
relationships, emotions, choices... we want to title everything...
when two people like each other, they are expected to "Date" ..and then he/she becomes your "girlfriend/boyfriend"... and if two people do everything that a couple does yet they aren't dating or a "boyfriend/girlfriend" people get confused... the people in the relationship get confused... how would you break up...
if a front page did not have a title for it's main article.... no one would pick up the newspaper... because they wouldn't know what it's about... and so they would assume it's boring... they wouldn't want to go ahead to see what it's about... although people are curious... they are equally lazy...

happiness, sadness, heartbreak, abandonment, uncertainty, confidence, fear... we have titled everything... imagine feeling heartbreak and having never experienced it before... and never having heard the word... you would go insane.. I would go insane.... we like titles, we like to know what things are... because when we know what something is called, it's easier to comprehend it.. to understand it... and therefore embrace it...or conquer and get over it...  we can learn how to keep it.. how to end it...

if we don't title it... we're lost... we're uncertain... we are leading forward...blind... and discovering as we go along...

Life is already like this... we stumble through... why would we want the details in our life to be a "blind" experience too...
some might think that it would make things adventurous... and maybe they are right... but maybe they're not...
and maybe there is no title, and maybe there is... one that we haven't found...

we want to know what things are in one word... that is our problem... we want to have everything explained in one word...
"what is your dad"..."he's a medical Doctor"
"oh, she's my best friend"
"they're dating"
"she has cancer"
"I'm pregnant"

no one really knows what my dad's company does... because it's so diverse... because it hasn't really been done before in IT... the way he does it... I don't even know and I work for him... it doesn't have a term yet like doctor, lawyer, mechanic... and so when people ask me what he is and I start to explain... they want to cut me short and say "what is he"... they want the short version,,, the one word answer...
they want to categorize... know via category...
they don't want to wait for the whole story to understand... they want to understand now... they don't want to feel ignorant and blind till the end when they find out what it really means...

can you imagine that???... "oh, she has er... something, lets wait and see what happens shall we?" ... and 6 months later... she dies...Hmmm wonder what happened...

Wondering what happened... understanding the outcome from the input... if you don't know what it is... you cannot understand the outcome brought on by it... the end result...

if someone has cancer... you know what the end result could be, and you can prepare for it.. you will understand it...
if someone is pregnant... you'll understand what's happening when she starts crying in pain, why her stomach grows... you can prepare for the child...
if someone's in a relationship..they'll understand what it is, and they'll understand when and how it ends...  they won't wonder to themselves what happened <--- if there is a breakup and explanation... still it would be better than a drifting apart?... how would it end?... if it never begun with clear understanding of when it begun.. of what begun... how can it end... it wasn't anything... how can a nothing have an ending?...
what are the rules to a nothing?
what are the treatments for a nothing?
how do you prepare for a nothing?..
how do you prepare for something you don't understand... how do you prepare when you are ignorant?
how do you relate to nothing?

we need Titles, to relate, to understand, to treat, to organize, to prepare, for rules... for boundaries....
we need them... so that we are not ignorant, not completely blind, life is like that painting pushed too close to your face for you to know what it is... we get our clues from the details we can she... so that we can at least have some kind of idea... if we take away our titles... you take away our details... our description.. leaving us blind completely... we wouldn't know how else to see the picture... we might just lose the plot altogether...

so thank your God for the little Graces... like a Title, even if it is "Untitled"... because it's still at least in a category... it's just in the lost and found box waiting for you to pick it up... and untitled might suck... but, at least you'll figure it out eventually... and at least... it doesn't happen all the time... :]... but I s'pose, it might be a bit healthy to figure things out on your own every now and then... but not too often...:]

so this is ButtonGirl...popping in...and falling off this coat...peace...:)

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

rAnd0M pOst!Ng O_0... cos you just need those sometimes...

when I see camera's I freak out a little cos I rate they going to go all terminator on my butt! never know what could happen!!! best we all start hiding in our hidden rooms under a round old carpet in the middle of an inconspicuous room...while Nazi's lurk in the dark waiting to pounce, cos you know they think anything with a stick up its butt is awesome... kinda like this web cam that's faced at me now..:O!!!

OOOOKAY... so we all need a little random in our lives... to ease away the brun of too much it's kinda like a long day of storms followed by a nice sunny day... relaxation...
how many of you just say random stuff some times just to fill silences?... or just say something totally wookaldiblue because you're rambling on your thoughts and what comes out comes out whether it's about pink flying zebra's or elephants occupying the room... what I have learned is that random... isn't ever truly random... it might be out of the blue for some cases... but never fully random, because it's linked to a thought you had, a situation, a memory... the random spewing of words that make no sense to the outside world... is not random to you, because it makes perfect sense in your mind... and if the aim was to random... is it really random, if you intended it to be?... Hmmm these are the questions that keep me up at night..<---- not really, I just felt like saying that...

so, onto other stuff stuffs stuff....ya...[O0.]

one thing that always confundled me was what my parents said....
I mean seriously??? do you think they even think about the things they say??? like one thing was 
 "well If he jumped off a cliff would you follow?" I mean jeez... obviously the answer would be no,,, unless you were suicidal... the reason we did whatever we got in trouble for was cos 1stly... our friend did it... and 2ndly... it seamed like a good idea... therefore the appropriate line should be... "the things your friends do aren't always the right thing... it might seam like a good idea untill you find yourself waiting in your room with every panty you own own for your mom to walk in with the belt that'll end with you not being able to sit for a week..."... see if they said that I would have been a much much much nicer child which never got in trouble... that line works the magic... not the cliff thing...
jeez, I wonder what everyone elses parents said... sigh... the joys of our parents... gotta love em....

from Parents to Fabcebook...

there were some groups that made me so... hmmm nauseous...:)
they were soooooo emo...
here are a few...
"I've come to a point were I'm like WOW, F#^* 90% of humanity"  the photo was a button that said "I hate people" [O0.]

"I die a little inside when you're online and don't talk to me"...then talk first... don't get emo...they could be waiting for you to talk first... 

"oh I'm sorry I'm such a burden on your life"...L-A-M-E

"Every girl wants to hear a boy say I love youuuuuuuuuuu <3 :)".... what about lesbians... tsk tsk tsk...

a funny thing I ran into was..."I laugh, I become a fan, I never look at the page again"... so just for kicks.. I decided to check out the page...
and one would assume the page would be empty... but nope.... it is full of people promoting random stuff, chicks saying they want people to invite them to show em a good time... and yada yada yada... I couldn't help but sit back and enjoy the irony.... and notify people of the irony as well... sigh... I will never look at that page again... but, I will never forget it <--- it's typed up on my blog...

finally... an Irish Airman foresee's his death is a poem about an Irishman who decides join the war so that he can fulfil his dream of flying... and as a result will die, but he doesn't mind <--- best summary I could manage...
I'll give you the peom underneath for you to this youtube clip..  if only I'd seen this clip when I was still in school and studying this poem...

just remember... you might think motivational... but think again... it's suicide...
ok, and here's the poem just if you wanna read it... :]
An Irish Airman Foresees His DeathI know that I shall meet my fate
Somewhere among the clouds above;
Those that I fight I do not hate,
Those that I guard I do not love;
My country is Kiltartan Cross,
My countrymen Kiltartan's poor,
No likely end could bring them loss
Or leave them happier than before.
Nor law, nor duty bade me fight,
Nor public men, nor cheering crowds,
A lonely impulse of delight
Drove to this tumult in the clouds;
I balanced all, brought all to mind,
The years to come seemed waste of breath,
A waste of breath the years behind
In balance with this life, this death.

so, that's it for now, this is ButtonGirl popping in......and falling of this coat...peace