Tuesday 6 August 2019

Memes are a catalyst for our evolution!

Are Memes evolving us or ruining our communication skills?

Well hello there world, it has been a decade since my last appearance. what have I done? what I always do. I studied the world around me.  As suspected, I have gotten just as addicted to memes as the rest of us. Is this good or bad?

I for one think it's brilliant. We are learning a bee hive mentality. memes are becoming an incredibly fast way of us communicating! instead of talking we can all come to the same conclusion with one picture and a few words. with those two combinations we experience fast and vast emotional reactions. Facebook has even expanded the reaction from just a thumbs up.

what does this help us with? more and more we are discussing our reactions to things with a community of people we have or have not met. this way we form grouped thinking and unfold our responses. With this upgrade from technology we are finding that understanding what we feel comes more naturally. This is great! Since our forefathers (and mothers) of many generations past, human beings have been taught and encouraged to suppress our emotions and control our reactions. This caused whole generations to lack sensitivity and a deeper understanding of our minds, bodies and emotions.  For generations a species drawn to community and connection was stunted.

Then Technology came! and what did we do, we showed it exactly what we want! we want connection, community, freedom to search and ask and learn and grow without limitation or judgment! And here is to us getting it right! Well, the judging part is taking a while... but with more posts and memes expressing mental illness and serious issues we are slowly but surely unlearning the toxic trait of judgments our forefathers and mothers cursed us with. talk about breaking generational curses.

Melenials and gen z kids are so judged. to a point where we don't even accept that we are part of this community. but, as melenials we grabbed onto technology and despite being told not to... we shared all of our feelings and deepest darkest thoughts. we created the foundation for true healing.

Being glued to our phones and tablets we don't move and jump around. we focus all of our energy into spreading our message of our needs. we embrace and fight and share, just as family. it is no wonder that people find the internet their safe place.  because they don't have an intense fear of expression.  yes online bullying was so difficult in the beginning, but we are also learning how we vent and attack people  to make us feel better. we have grown emotionally and mentally so much in the last 2 decades than our race has in the last century!  and now we fight with each other and don't take as much offence because we have removed the element of our physical form.

Who knew that seeing each other was such a huge problem?  we can't see the next person so we cannot judge them based on there looks or the way the sound or smell. In fact none of our sensors come into contact with the other person. just our minds and hearts. Through this, we have learned to be less judgmental and we have pushed ourselves to evolve. Our revolution has just begun and we listened when they said the future is ours. I have faith in us guys. we've come far.

But hey... that's my opinion. Feel free to share yours.

well.... this is buttonGirl.... popping in..... and falling off this coat... peace. 

Sunday 17 November 2013

Perception - You're Wrong... but so am I.

Perception is what creates our world. Who a person is to another is based on that person’s perception of them. The possibilities of the world are limited and created by a person’s perception. Whether wrong or right, if a person can make his or her perception sound convincing with a few sophisticated words, the world will follow it. You add a degree behind that person and they become infallible. If a person has children and Age then you cannot even contemplate questioning them because they have a qualification that exceeds all qualifications - experience.
Is it fair that we should accept even our own perception of things? A perception is based on experience, so one person’s perception of something will be completely different to another’s. The way we perceive things is always based on the knowledge we've been given on the matter which is generally tainted by another’s opinion. We never receive all the facts and you hardly find a person who is willing to listen to an opposing opinion or the “other side”. Even if we find a person who is willing there is always the huge obstacle of emotion. One’s own emotional response to a situation alters the perception of that situation in one direction or another. So any perceived moment is tainted. Every memory a person has, is tainted. My sister and I will remember our childhood in two completely different lights. Are neither wrong? Or are both wrong? The way my family perceives me is so vastly different to the way I know myself. I wonder if my perception of them is not wrong.

As soon as a person hears that I want to wait to have sex after marriage they assume I’m Self-righteous. They know that I’ve decided to make that choice because I have trust issues and intimacy fears, yet they ignore those factors because they let their own insecurities taint the truth. Even the word insecurities has been associated with so much negativity that as soon as I mention it one could assume I’m saying it as an insult – out of loathing for them thinking me self-righteous. But in truth, we are all insecure about one thing or another it’s not an insult. It’s a fact. We all have a field in our lives that we are uncertain about. To be insecure is to lack self-confidence. Stating it like that seems so much less negative. Our perception of a simple word is tainted. Our perception of people is tainted. Our memories are tainted.

The question that remains is what isn’t tainted by our perception? if our concept of words are tainted and they were tainted by people who are in turn tainted, If every concept or thought a person has is tainted by their perception, then what is untainted? Our reality has been tainted by the perception of generations of followers. What is reality then? The idea of flying made no sense to people, and the Write brothers proved them wrong. How many concepts and thoughts can be proven wrong? How much more could the human race accomplish if we weren’t so cursed to follow blindly the perception of our for fathers? We are living in a false reality. That does not make us mad. It makes us all ignorant. We are all following blindly the ideas of people who died before our ancestors were a thought. Stereotypes, prejudices, selfishness, thoughtlessness, poverty, helplessness, laziness, Judgment, Ignorance – the list is endless. We have WILLFULLY inherited all of this from people of the past. If you think otherwise, Rethink it. Why is it that you think that? What are your facts and who gave them to you? Whose perception are you following? We are all ignorant in this world, you and I alike. Sometimes the Truth can be a discomfort.

 Perception creates our world. We can control our perception. We can control how our world is created.  

So . . .  this is button girl............popping in.............and falling off this coat................ peace.



Thursday 30 May 2013

University. Something Romanticized by Movies. I realize that University will not be a fun exercise but I realize that taking more than 3 gap years is. . . unadvised. The problem is, no one wants to read an uninteresting subject over and over again as a form of studying. NO ONE LIKES DOING BORING STUFF!! I like watching movies and googling funny pictures and sleeping late. The problem with doing all these simple things is. . . well, it's boring. Our sub conscience KNOWS we don't want to be on a permanent vacation and our conscience knows we don't want to do hard work. so in other words. we can't win.

Or can we? what if we found something called a passion? IT, Chemistry, people, charity, art, drama, law, politics, science, mechanics, education, environment etc.  And we were so passionate we endured the boring balancing it with the vacation type activities called hobbies and eventually BAM!!! we're qualified within the field of our passion and we can still continue with our hobbies. It's easy to see benefits that lie far in the future. but doing the hard work. . . is doable. but, it's only doable if you have a passion.

Okay so.
  •  point 1:  never avoid life, it'll just go on without us, we'll lose time and grow far too familiar with regret. 
  • Point 2: find a passion
  • point 3: if you have no passion don't use it as an excuse! that's rude! just go to a university and do a career assessment. look at their subjects and do a general degree with subjects you like. when you figure out what you want you can add your credits to the new degree choice. 
  • point 4: go to university.
  • point 5: if you can't afford it apply for financial aid because pride is for people who want to live in a shack. if you don't get it don't give up, look for bursaries. look for future employees and write up a proposal for them. be a pest. don't give up... winners never quit and quitters never win. 
  • point 6: Live. push yourself but live. 

OK.... so this is us growing up. sometimes we've got to put the life questions aside and choose to live. we can't read about someone else's life any more and get distracted. we can't watch movies about these things. we need to live it. and whist studying and working hard isn't a vacation. it's a process of life. one that we need to discover for ourselves. and I for one can't wait to live. and I completely understand that right now I am excited and I'll get more disheartened when the hard work comes. . . but, having something to complain about creates groups. creates connections. creates friendships and laughter and just. . .LIFE! so... lets go live :)

So this is ButtonGirl .....popping in........... and falling off this coat. Peace. 

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Hey folks.... so it's been a while.... like 5 months or so... I'm good at that whole keeping up with peeps thing :P

I was reading a post by some other blogger on the wonderful creation of the interweb... except this blogger was .....misguided.
we are all entitled to an opinion unless we think our opinion is Fact and it's simply WRONG! I respect people who love God, God is a great guy to Love {{I Love that guy}} but I get incredibly irritated when people make use of the word "Evil" in the wrong text.

one must be very careful with how they say things. Words are weapons often used by us, against our will. what I mean is we often say things without malicious intend that result in the pain and hurt of another.
this man said that a certain action was Evil, when he should have said sinful. If we imply that an action we do is evil, it gives us reason to believe we are evil when we are not. This just makes us defensive and hurtful and makes us want to lash out at others...

SO my lovely people out there.... let's be careful with your words because they affect others. in a good way and a bad way... if you are going to say something that is negative, if it's not constructive don't say it, if it is... be very sure to explain yourself and end on a gentle note.

to end this post.... Words are Power...your words could start a war or prevent one. and to quote spiderman's uncle "with great power comes great responsibility" choose to show Love at all times with your words and it'll come back to you... choose to use bitterness with your words and it'll hinder you each day of your life.

so........this is ButtonGirl popping in..................and falling off this coat.....peace.

Thursday 25 August 2011

Lets Understand this. . . just Give us a sec will ya?

Oh goodness I should Update a post!!!! HIY!!!!
so?. . . how you been crackalacking homies??? <--- OK I promise not to promise to never do that again. . .  but I just got into a weird mood... my badness! <--- that was said in some movie with a poem about light...{{nods head}}

so "vaat iz ziz zing doing herrre???" Glad you asked - I'm visiting. . . :D :D :D

OK! lets start making points. I got sooo irritated the other day...#truestory I was seriously shoved in a corner <metaphorically of course, I wouldn't go literally into a corner, I'd fight that> any way I was shoved to the side, disregarded treated like an adolescent normally is by people almost triple our age. . . why??? because they refuse to believe we have words of worth... I gave myself time to calm down so, no worries this post is not me complaining. . .

firstly we all have flaws that we are unable to realise, so no judgement is passed here. but sometimes, we need to have someone point out these flaws to us, because we can hurt people. . .so...

age, People who are old enough to be our parents - along with our parents - act like they have all the answers when they're not fooling themselves and they're not fooling us. this BTW is quite an unhealthy thing, we need to be taught that our parents don't always have the answers - only Google does -  but acting like you have all the answers, isn't a good thing either. NO ONE, I shall repeat NO ONE knows everything, again, that is Google's job!
sometimes we slip up and think we might have the best answer, but that can sometimes just be pride talking.
Parents don't want you to doubt them and think they don't know best because they think you'll end up being disrespectful. They actually think they won't have control and you'll end up going off the rails. you are their responsibility till the day you die in their eyes, if you come home pregnant, they'll freak but it'll be because they'll be mad with themselves, "where did we go wrong?" . . .  Other parents are proud, they don't think they can go wrong, so they ignore everything that does go wrong... some are too submissive to you because they're afraid they'll lose you.
point? Parents are humans. They're people. same with teachers, professors, boss's etc. sometimes, they need you to sit them down and tell them where they are going wrong. . . in a way that is totally respectful and loving - they're still your parents, they deserve respect for going through life with you -  sometimes, you need to tell them how you feel, how the things they say and do affect you and how you would prefer them to act and talk, try to make them understand that all you want is for them to understand and trust you. maybe just act like they love you. whatever it is. in my experience, talking helps - NOT shouting, no mesg gets through when it's just angry people shouting at each other. be open to criticism, because you're human too, you do things that hurt others, even if you don't see it. have a two way conversation and NEVER give or take a lecture, lectures never work, if your parents sit you down for a lecture, participate, if they ask you to speak or explain yourself - do. even if you think they won't understand, especially then, and tell them that you don't think they'll understand. . . they might surprise you.

we all have something to teach, we all have something to learn. no matter our age or experience we have something to give... you can learn so much from your parents, just as they can learn so much from you. . . just as much as you can learn from a stranger, just as much as a stranger can learn from you.
always keep an open mind, if you disagree, that doesn't mean you have to dislike a person, always show compassion; people have their reasons for doing the things they do, the best you can do is try to understand them and show compassion. even if you don't always like the things they do, actions are not as person, a person isn't the choices they make, or the mistakes they've made. Don't treat people like they are the actions they take or mistakes. they're all worth the stars and more and we've all got mistakes to make and lessons to learn, that doesn't mean we're any less than what we are - perfect. it's not about the fact that someone fell, it's the recovery they make when they get up, and when we trip there will always be the group feeling pity, the ones that laugh, the ones that try and help, the people that tripped you to start with, and none of that matters, what matters is getting back to feeling AWESOME. back to feeling Joy. . .  why wallow in simple matters when God made Flowers? <--- why find the sad things in life, why concentrate on the things that irritate you the people that treat you like you not old enough to understand, the child that thinks your too old to understand, why focus on that? when there are things that are good in the world too? when there are people who do understand you? focus on the good starting with the simplest thing - like flowers - and work your way up... you'll find a reason to smile.

so remember, speak, don't shout, and wait to calm down before speaking. love. Try to understand. Try to make people understand you. Never Give Up. Hug a bit more, Laugh a bit more. remember, you're not the only one who has a bad day, someone acting like a Jack@$$ 10 to 1 is probably having a terrible day too. don't add to his grief, just try to understand...:) smile at them maybe, even if they don't smile back. . .

so, may God bless you, even if you don't believe in him. . .  and a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! <--- don't ask, weird mood remember? :D :D :D  fun times ;) keep the currant rolling!


so it's been fun :D I gotta roll for now :D

so this is ButtonGirl Popping in............................... and falling off this coat..........peace

Thursday 11 August 2011

to get you need to give. To give, you first need to get.

why the random video???.... cos I happen to think he's amazing... and it's called superman... and that just happens to be my FAVOURITE super Hero... well it's a tie between Wolverine and Superman... they're both super cool... and both guys as I've just realised... but I wouldn't read too much into that... I think it's just a coincidence... ANYWAY!

HAPPY AUGUST! ... lets formulate a list of all the happenings in August....

1597 AD =  Germany throws out English sales people <--- hahaha
1860 AD =  Nation's 1st successful silver mill (Virginia City, Nev)
1866 AD = World's 1st roller rink opens (Newport RI)
1909 AD = SOS - 1st used by an American ship, Arapahoe, off Cape Hatteras, NC
1929 AD =  Babe Ruth becomes 1st to hit 500 homers (off Willis Hudlin of Cleve)
1984 AD = During a radio voice test Pres Reagan joked he "signed legislation that would outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in 5 minutes" haahaha, I don't hate Russia, I just think it's funny... :)
1989 AD =  "Nightmare on Elm Street 5: Dream Child" premier!!! :D with Jonny Depp!!!! :D: :D :D
2011 AD = {{insert your name}} does . . . . . .  

what are you going to do this August that would be considered important... not necessarily important to the world, but to you?... something that would go down in your personal history book as an important thing, an important date, an important happening... good, bad or funny... be bold, be impulsive, make a memory... there is no reason you shouldn't have a memory made at least once a month... :) change a life, if you can't change anyone else's, change your own.. make it better then it is, if it's already amazing... make it better. Never just settle because you feel you'll never get anything better, never think that you're not worth it.... Because you exceed worth, no matter what you've done or where you've been, you are here for a reason, you breath because you have purpose... you could live in the darkest times of your life, done the darkest deeds, said the Harshest words, hurt the purest people... and you would still exceed worth, you'd still be seen as perfect to God, you'd still deserve nothing less than the best for you. it's not about what you've done, it's about what you will do after that, and after that and after that... it's about always trying... persisting, moving forward, learning, and doing better the next time, or at least trying to do better. cos it's not about if you could do better or if you did a lot of good it's the trying that counts... there is nothing worse then giving up. 

strive for happiness for yourself and not just happiness of others. you can't make others smile if you don't know how... so look after yourself, love yourself, be a little selfish when it comes to your happiness... but don't disregard others happiness, understand that being happy is the first step to being able to help others feel joy... to get you need to give. To give, you first need to get. 

anyway it's been fun but I gotta make like a frog and leap... d[O0.]b <--- what I just say???

so, this is ButtonGirl popping in.......................... and falling off this coat.... peace.

Sunday 31 July 2011


Don't ask,,, the pic doesn't relate... I just thought it was cute... so, Brace yourselves... WARNING! INCOMING POINTLESS POST!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

so................................. was cleaning my room... and tidying it... and decided to sort out my neat piles of terribly organised (I just put stuff on stuff) mess... and found letters, yes as in the ones little girls write to each other when they're in high school ... yeah so... they're from when I was in high school (last year)... and they were all addressed to me (yay I was loved once upon a time!) ... I mean how strange that were not addressed to someone else!... I'd totally expect letters that were not mine to be in my room... ANYWAY!.. so there they were, so I read them, I wasn't being rude, they were mine anyway...

they weren't interesting,,, they were rather Lame... some funny... all about Boys... is that seriously what occupied the minds of the youth I dealt with in high school?.. the answer is yes, and it was all the same thing "I wonder does he notice me" "I get butterflies sometimes when I see him" "I like him so much it scares me" "it's frustrating that he doesn't notice me!"... blah blah blah!... this is good though, it's growth... it's the stage at which they needed/need to be... and in truth... watching older versions of these young ladies, nothing much has changed  and I don't suppose anything will... and it's not a bad thing... they're searching for "the one".. so eager... and the gushing and concerns they have will never go away till they find "the one"... well at least we hope the gushing won't go away, and the concerns - unfortunately- will be replaced with new ones rather than completely vanishing... the only thing that changes is... a certain maturity when dealing with these developing crushes over the years... you learn to be more brave, more patient... more understanding...

The most fascinating part of all of it... is the growth though, the journey... seeing the difference in these ladies over the years,,, it wasn't like they changed... it was like... more detail was added to them...
it made me understand why journals/ diaries,,, song books... all of why they were used and kept... sure it helps people rant out stuff - I prefer shouting - but... it's the looking back... that's the important part - why?!?!?!... because it helps you see that you had times where you thought you couldn't live you felt so much pain, and reading it, you can see the fears you had.. but being older you can see how small they were... and this is good, because it helps us see that the problems we face now... we'll be able to look back on... and be ok with... we'll be able to realise, we'll still be around in ten years, and we'll be ok in ten years...

so ya.... food for thought... I wish I grabbed all my letters back after writing them so I could have read them now... would've made me laugh I bet...  :)

Anyway, this has no doubt been a pretty pointless post... filled with nothingness... but, I still enjoyed typing it... :)

so... this is ButtonGirl Popping in.......................... and falling off this coat..... peace...